We Support Your Success
Investors FastTrack trains and provides tools to all types of investors: money managers, financial planners, RIAs, plan sponsors and individuals.
The core of these tools is our historical mutual fund, ETF, stocks market data. We are your single source investment software provider.
Data Quality
Trust FastTrack to empower you with alway accurate data. FastTrack has a deep commitment to data quality. We fix dividends, check returns, and make sure your data is always correct.
Simple and Effective Investment Software
Use FastTrack tools to dive deep or keep on the surface.
Rocket scientist and Individuals Investors alike have created success with FastTrack tools since 1988.
Training and support for Investment Software
Call and speak to our experts any market day of the year.
We are fanatic about your success. Please, Call us!
You Matter
Your Feedback Drives Us. Together, we refine our investment software and data roadmap. Your voice matters—we listen attentively. Appreciating our customers always.
Our History
Investors FastTrack formed in 1989 to provide quality market data to individual investors.
In the early 90’s, high quality dividend adjusted mutual fund data did not exist for the mass public. To fill the void, our founders designed a line of products to help other investors save time and become more efficient when making decisions.
We’ve empowered 1000s of individuals, professionals, and businesses with our products.
Today we promote web tools, cloud based software, REST APIs, and Excel Add-ins. We’ve are investor’s premium investment software and data provider.
Managing Team
We employ data and investing enthusiasts who want to ensure your investing success.
Reach out to our managing team with any questions. Our customers are our priority.

Daniel Charbonnet
Managing Partner

Paul Charbonnet
Founding Partner
Take Control of your Investments. Contact us today.
Investors FastTrack
3 Endless View Drive
Asheville, NC 28787
Open all US Market Days
Mon-Fri: 9:30am – 5pm EST