Why FastTrack Data Helps Investors
The Power of Pristine Data
Making the right investment decisions hinges on the accuracy of your data. With flawed or muddled market statistics, you risk missteps that can cost dearly. Especially when analyzing total return, gauging risk metrics, or comparing investments, precise historical dividend data stands paramount. FastTrack doesn’t just offer data; we offer clarity, accuracy, and a firm foundation for every decision you make.
Reliability: Unwavering Commitment to Data Excellence
Pioneering since 1988, FastTrack’s legacy is built on relentless innovation and the pursuit of perfection in data processing. Your trust drives us to ensure unmatched data quality at every turn.
Machine Learning and AI
Our process begins by drawing open, close, high, low, and volume data from a multitude of primary market sources. This raw data then undergoes meticulous transformation through FastTrack’s proprietary processes.
With our robust historical data as a benchmark, we apply relative strength, machine learning, and artificial intelligence algorithms to assess all dividends against the existing database, ensuring the utmost accuracy.
Outliers or potential data inconsistencies are flagged and cross-referenced from secondary sources, ensuring that you always have the most accurate investment data and statistics at your disposal.
The Human Touch in Data Analysis
Our commitment doesn’t stop at algorithms. After a rigorous machine assessment, our data undergoes human scrutiny.
Our dedicated team engages directly with our expansive network of fund companies, ensuring that the data you receive is not only accurate but also meticulously verified.
Harnessing the Wisdom of the Crowd
Our clients have been our pillars of support and data refinement since 1988. Through what could be called the original ‘crowdsourcing,’ our clients have shared insights, statements, and valuable feedback. This collective intelligence ensures that any discrepancies are rapidly addressed. With FastTrack, you aren’t just using a tool; you’re joining a community committed to the pinnacle of investment data accuracy.

Data Coverage
Mutual Funds
Information on 35k+ US listed mutual funds. Data includes total returns, charts, holdings, risk metrics, rankings, and more.
Covering all US listed ETFs. AUM, volume, pricing, risk adjusted return and more.
Open, high, low, closing, and volume data for all exchange listed securities. Rank and chart stocks alongside funds, etfs, indexes, and more.
Closed End Funds
Exchange listed prices, net asset values, dividends, returns of capital, plus the full suite of risk, return, and statistical metrics.
Economic Indicators
Sourcing data from countless government agencies, Federal Reserve Banks, BLS and more. Hundreds of indicators are available in all charts, sheets, reports, and more.
Sources indexes from all large index providers (Bloomberg, S&P, MSCI, ICE). Total return and unadjusted indexes available. Rank and chart against any security in FastTrack’s database.
Daily prices for the largest and most popular crypto currencies, plus all crypto focused stocks, ETFs, and funds. Bitcoin, Etherium, Tether, and more.
Add moving averages to spreadsheets and charts. Blend trend ratios for custom rankings
API access to CUSIP level data for US and International corporate and government bonds.
Calculated Statistics and Reference Data
Offering a flexible and customizable view of total return data. Examine monthly, annual, and year-by-year returns, as well as define their preferred date ranges.
Evaluate historical performance trends and make comparisons across investment segments. Make well-informed decisions that align with your investment goals and risk tolerance.
Comprehensive suite of risk metrics, including Standard Deviation, Beta, Ulcer Index, and Downside Deviation.
Thoroughly assess all risk factors of investments and gain insights into the volatility, potential losses, and market sensitivity of your investment choices.
Maximum Drawdowns
Maximum drawdown data provides a clear understanding of the potential losses that could be incurred during a given investment period. By calculating the largest peak-to-trough decline in portfolio value, you gain valuable insights into the overall risk of your investment strategy and selections.
Risk and Return
Featuring essential risk and return metrics, including Sharpe Ratio, Beta, Ulcer Performance Index, and Treynor Ratio.
Compare the risk-adjusted performance of your investment options over a variety of time frames, and make informed decisions, balancing potential returns against the inherent risks.
Market Caps/AUM
Providing extensive data on market capitalization and assets under management (AUM) across stocks, funds, ETFs, and CEF.
Assess the size, strength, and industry positioning of companies, funds, and ETFs to make strategic decisions and better evaluate potential opportunities in the ever-evolving financial landscape.
Trading Volume
Offering insights into daily, 30-day, 90-day, and 180-day trading volume data.
Gauge market liquidity, investor interest, and trading activity to better understand the supply and demand dynamics of specific assets, facilitating well-informed decision-making in various market conditions.
Featuring a comprehensive collection of yield data, including SEC yields, 52-week yields, income yields, capital gains yields, and weekly money market yields.
Get a detailed understanding of income-generating opportunities and tax implications by exploring these critical yield indicators.
Moving Averages
Showcasing a versatile range of moving average data. We covers the standard 20, 50, 100, and 200-day timeframes, as well as offering customizable lengths to suit individual preferences.
Examining dynamic trend indicators to identify market patterns, discern potential entry and exit points, and better understand the momentum behind specific assets.
Reference Data
Extensive selection of reference data, including top 10 holdings, sector weightings, benchmarks, and indexes.
Get a comprehensive view of allocations and effectively benchmark portfolios against relevant performance indicators.
Ready to take your next step?
Make better investments with data and analysis.