Model Portfolios
Bring your investment strategies to life by testing and confirming new investment concepts, evaluating performance and risk, and creating reports. Effortlessly incorporate portfolio information through seamless integration or simple file upload.
Rank 35k+ mutual funds, ETFs, closed end funds, stocks, and indexes all in one place. Rank using one or many of our risk, return, yield, category, size, etc metrics to find the best investments.
Technical Chart
Follow trends, mock up timing strategies, annotate with trendlines, call outs and banners. Save with your company’s logo
Stock Screener
Scan all US equities, ADRs, and indexes on thousands of metrics. Pick any date, time span, month end, etc. Find the best investments that bring you the most return for the least risk.
Do your due diligence. FastTrack offers hundreds of data points, raw data, calculated data, exports, and more.
Data is our product. We have the best so you don’t need to worry.
Excel Add In
Eliminate manual data entry by automatically filling your Excel models with real-time information, freeing up hours of your time each week. Utilize our pre-made templates for comparing portfolios, companies, and funds.
Exporting data to analyze, visualize, and present in any third-party products. Leverage our outstanding data for custom reports, dashboards, or software of choice.
Custom Reports
Showcase the info you care about most, tailored to the specific needs of your business or clients.
Highlight specific investment strategies, risk factors, and performance metrics, providing comprehensive and compelling views to close deals or communicate investment opportunities.
Scatter Plot
Scatter plot charts allow investors to quickly identify investments that offer the best risk-return tradeoff, helping them to build more efficient portfolios that balance risk and return.
Identify outliers or anomalies in their portfolio, providing insights into potential risks or opportunities.
Fund Screener
Compare thousands of mutual funds, ETFs, stocks, indexes, and model portfolios accross thousands of data points. Easily find the investments that meet your specific criteria.
Get quick access to the most important data that matters most to you. Build personalized views using all calculated and reference daa, risk metrics, volumes, technical indicators, and more.
Harness the power of visualization with our innovative heatmap tool. Instantly recognize patterns, gain insights, and understand the performance of various ticker symbols at a glance.
Ready to take your next step?
Take control of your investment strategy.